Fostering with DCJ enquiry form

Complete this form to express your interest in becoming a foster carer with DCJ.

All form fields are required unless marked (optional).

Personal details

What is your cultural background? You can select more than one answer.

Tell us more

What type or types of care are you interested in? You can select more than one answer.
How did you find out about becoming a foster carer (optional)? You can select more than one answer.

Terms and conditions consent

a success illustration icon Thank you for submitting the form.

You will receive an email confirming that your submission has been received.

Your reference number is: foster-enquiry.

You may close this window now or go to Foster, relative and kinship care on the NSW Government website.

an error illustration icon Possible submission error.

This can happen if you clicked Submit more than once.

Please check your Inbox for a confirmation email.

If you have not received a confirmation email within a few minutes please submit another form.

If you have received a confirmation email, your submission has been received.